If you’re into overlanding at all, then you’ve undoubtedly heard the name EarthRoamer. For the few of you who may not be familiar with EarthRoamer, they’re ridiculously capable, luxurious, high-end (and expensive), solar/diesel hybrid vehicles designed for worldwide travel.
Why did we take the tour? Well, we’ve been traveling full-time for nearly six years and have plans to travel the world by vehicle. So, we’ve been looking at all of our options, from crazy expensive custom builds, to taking our Jeep as it currently sits and just going with it.
Not going to lie, the idea of an EarthRoamer is beyond our grasp, but it has been something we’ve drooled over more than a little.
Since we were in the Denver area, we decided to take an in-depth tour of the EarthRoamer factory, where these incredible global expeditionary vehicles are built.
➡️ Keep reading: What Is Overlanding?
Taking the EarthRoamer Tour

For the record, the tour was great; the employees cordial; and the build process was amazing.
We were not allowed to take any photos inside the factory, as each EarthRoamer is custom built for each customer and EarthRoamer values the privacy of those clients.
Having said that, we were able to see the entire process of the EarthRoamer build. They have a 12-week build process on the XV-LTS models, which consists of six phases of two weeks each.
The $1.5M Behemoth XV-HD
EarthRoamer also builds the behemoth XV-HD model, which is a $1.5M build. We may have pushed the envelope by asking to see that vehicle, since it isn’t a standard part of the tour. But the EarthRoamer folks were super kind and took us to another building where we got a good look at one.
When we saw this behemoth, we were floored. Not only by its sheer size, process, and ultimate capability, but moreso by the attention to detail each EarthRoamer employee puts into every single aspect of the build.
➡️ Keep reading: Ignore the Hype: What Do You Really Need to Go Overlanding?
Your Turn

If you’re ever in the Denver area and are interested at all in overlanding, then I can’t encourage you enough to take this tour. As of this writing, EarthRoamer factory tours are free to the public at 2:15 p.m. every Tuesday through Friday. The tour is 30 minutes long and are limited to six people, so call ahead.
If anyone has questions about the EarthRoamer factory tour, then feel free to ask.

Anyway, all in all a great tour. Hope you enjoyed the photos. If you have any questions that I can answer, then hit me with them.
EarthRoamer is located at 5073 Silver Peak Ave. in Dacono, CO.
Until next time, keep it dirty and wheels side down.
~ Eric, Brittany, and #LittleNomad
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